Comic Figures to make MRI Easier for Kids

  • January 23, 2016
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Given that going to the hospital for an MRI scan is frightening for kids, therefore to ease out all the apprehension in kids and to lessen the need to tranquilize twitchy pediatric patients, a pioneering program has been shaped in partnership with Siemens Healthcare. The program entails the education of kids prior to their MRI scans; this is put into action by making the learning process a pleasure as well as an amusement. This is accomplished by means of a kit obtainable through the Siemens. The kit contains the following stuff:

  1. 100 replicas of an instructive comic book
  2. 100 Fictional themed cloaks
  3. 100 Captain America and Iron Man plush toys
  4. An educational DVD
  5. A toy mock-up of a Siemens MRI scanner

In partnership with pediatricians, Siemens has also created a video that provides information regarding what the kids and parents should look forward to during their visit to the hospital. This program convinces parents to sit and look at the video with their kids ahead of visiting the hospital for the scan. As a result, when the kids visit the hospital for the scan, they appreciate that it is not going to harm them. Also a small mock-up of a Siemens MRI scanner sits in the patients ‘waiting room and mimics the sound of a real system in operation. A staff member uses a doll to show how the patient will go through the scanner and come out. Siemens also took benefit of its affiliation with Walt Disney Company, to craft a comic book presenting Captain America, who goes through an MRI for troublesome shoulder pain after a fight with wickedness. In addition to all this, provision has been produced to shun sedation (in kids and youngsters) as far as possible.

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